Frequently Asked Questions
RMBJJ will provide a gi uniform for your first class just bring shorts & a t-shirt. No special equipment is needed. Just show up ready to have fun & learn.
The majority of our classes are beginner friendly. It's actually easiest to call out the classes to avoid. (Classes to avoid for your first class are Wednesday 6:30pm no gi, Saturday 11am) The best classes to attend are Saturday 10:00, Tuesday 6:30pm or Wednesday 5:30pm, if your schedule permits. Morning and lunch classes are also great options.
We always start with the same 5 warm up exercises. Next the professor teaches the technique of the week that you will then practice with a partner. You will then do situational drilling and then sparring will take place. Typically beginners do not spar for the first week.
Watch the video below to get a feel for how to tie your belt & the warm up exercises. (Don't worry our instructors will go over the details in person)
Please show up 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork.
Beginning Warmup Drills & How To Tie Your Belt